Wednesday, February 20, 2013

words I have learned from the book

-Probation Officer p.10 = it is a official that supports children in jail. Usually, it visits a child daily and helps
                                        him find a solution.
-Mustering p.79 = gathering
-Frantic p.94 = furious
-Irked p.134 = annoyed
-Squirmed p.134 = wriggle
-Tarp p.152 = a shelter of textile
-Numb p.154 = without feeling
-Redemption p. 157 = relief
-Solitary p. 158 = lonely
-Limping p. 161 = when you can't walk properly
-Ache p.165 = pain
-Prowling p.173 = creeping
-Soared p.181 = flew
-Chunks p.192 =pieces
-Trudged p.204 = lump along
-Leaky p.224 = a hole where liquids/things can go through
-Mesmerize p.230 = hypnotize, stare at something

-Harsh (blurb) = rude, cruel or unpleasant
-Race (biography) = breed
-Empazise (why I liked the book) = stress.

What is a Spirit Bear?

The real name for the Spirit Bear is the Kermode Bear. It evolved from the American Black Bear. It became white, because then it is easier to catch fish. Because the fish see the Black Bear easier than the Kermode Bera, because the Kermode Bear is white. The Kermode Bear lives in the center and the north coast of Canada. The Spirit Bear usually eat salmon for daily food, but they also eat other sort of fish. A Spirit Bear can run up to 55 kilometers in an hour an when they already drag their weigh between 150 and 300 kilo's.

Ben Mikaelsen biography

Ben Mickaelsen was born in La Paz in Bolivia on December the 8th in the year 1952. He didn't went to school until the fourth grade (that is what we call group 6). He was the one who got beaten up, because of its race. After a few years, he and his family moved to the united states. There he first got in the seventh grade. Ben Mickaelson knew he wanted to become a writer, but he didn't started doing it serious until his English teacher encouraged him. He started writing full-time when he was 32 years old. In his life, he became a sky diving champion, a pilot and taught himself how to swim. He also many awards like, the international Reading Association Award and the Western Writers' Golden Spur Award.

Why I liked the book

I liked the book, because you really empathized for Cole and Peter. The writer also made it very easy for me to visualize the story. He described the persons, animals and surroundings in much detail. For example, I really saw Cole fighting with the Spirit Bear. This is the first book when I really realized that books without pictures can also be a lot of fun to read.

Chapter 28 summary

In the beginning of this final chapter, Peter proposes that only Cole and him should go to the pond. When they arrived at the pond, Peter challenge Cole by saying he is scared of jail and Garvey. Peter hits Cole with his fists and challenge Cole to kill him. Cole denied that and he just doing nothing. When Peter finished hitting Cole, he sat down and cried. Then the Spirit Bear came and Peter was even more scared, but Cole calmed him down. Then they went back to camp. There Cole explains Peter what ''being invisible'' means and Peter understands. Cole also gives the at.óow to Peter. That was a big symbol to Peter and they went carving for 2 hours.

Chapter 27 summary

In this chapter, Peter annoys Cole by trowing mud on his sleeping, destroying the Spirit Bear Cole had carved and other things. However, Cole still offers Peter a totem pole and Peter accepts it. Then they also got an argument, because Peter didn't believe Cole saw the Spirit Bear. At the end of this chapter, Peter does something nice back: he carved the Spirit Bear back on the totem pole of Cole. First, Cole thought he was destroying it again, but then he wanted some lessons, because Peter fixed it so well.

Chapter 26 summary

Peter's parents decided to leave peter alone with Garvey and Cole, because they think it is safe enough. Peter still doesn't want to talk to Peter, but when Cole gives a candy bar to Peter, he eats it after it laid down on a rock for a minute. Then Garvey tells Cole how his father is trying to get him away from Cole's mom, but that Garvey would never let that happening. That night Cole had to sleep in a tent, because Peter is still scared of him. That morning they all go to the pond, but Cole is the only one who is going in it. He also carries the ancestors rock and rolls it down the hill. That night Peter isn't scared of Cole anymore and he lets Cole sleep in the shelter.

Chapter 25 summary

Cole and Edwin had an argument why Peter should stay on the island, but Cole convinced Edwin that Peter should come there. After a few days, Edwin came back but not alone. He brought Peter, Peter's parents and Garvey with him. Cole showed everything he had done on the island to heal, but he also explained that he can't heal until he helps peter to heal.

Chapter 24 summary

When Edwin comes again, Cole tells him that he did the dance of anger. He learned that he has to forgive people. Otherwise they will control you. Edwin then says that Cole has to help Peter or helping someone else, otherwise the pain will exist forever. This is also the reason why Garvey and Edwin help Cole so much. Then winter appears and Cole can't go to the pond and carry his ''ancestors''. But when it is Christmas, Cole has a little pine tree in his shelter. When Edwin once again visits Cole, he tells him that Peter committed suicide. Cole can't belief it and when Edwin visits Cole another time he tells Cole that Peter attempted suicide for the second time. Cole says that Peter has to come to the island and find hope.

Chapter 23 summary

Cole finally finds out how to be invisible. He has to clear his mind. He tries to clear his mind and the Spirit Bear appeared far down the shoreline. That evening, Cole wants to do the dance of anger. He screams and runs and kicks and cries. At the end, he falls down, because he is so exhausted.